Expense factors: Overview
There are mainly 3 expense factors you've to cover to plan your finances for studying in the
UK. They are:-
Pre-application Expenditures
Post admission Expenditures
Living Costs
Moreover, they further also have some expense factors; everything is given below:
Final sum
From all the above, we gave you an overlook of how much it can cost you to study in the UK.
By this, Enrol has made sure that you can plan your finances right away with this guide.
Moreover, when summing up all expense factors, you can think of it your expenses chart as
- Initial Expenses: Rs.40 000 to Rs.75, 000
- Living Costs:Rs.75 000 to Rs.80 000 per month (excluding fees expenses)
- Fees expenses:Rs.1,37,500 to Rs.3,50,000 Per month (It can be paid quarterly and yearly
Moreover, you can head to Enrol for a more in-deep and accurate estimate of studying in the UK.
Experts are always ready for you at Enrol. Call us and book your session now!